Saturday, February 13, 2010

Working Mothers of Young Children

I made a mention in my teen pregnancy post about middle class America's working mothers and I felt that it's the right topic to discuss next. This is a subject that I, personally am not familiar with, but I see it all too often.
It starts with a two income husband and wife. She gets pregnant and quits her job. After she has her baby, suddenly there isn't enough money anymore, and she's forced to go back to work. While I admire the mother's who can perfectly balance working with older children, my heart just breaks in two for those mother's of children who under 5 who have to work outside the home.
The first 5 years are crucial in bonding with your child. I understand the need to pay the bills, but in those first five years, who will really be raising these kids? The nanny's, day care workers, preschool teachers, and baby sitters will be. The working mother will ultimately spend more time away at work than at home with her child.
Has anyone ever considered living "beneath" their means? Instead of fancy shoes and dinners out, go to Payless and eat a candle lit dinner at home. The money you save could be going towards the mortgage or the car payments, even credit card debt. From my personal experience, my husband and I don't go out but maybe twice a year. We make this kind of sacrifice so I can stay home and raise our son, and, soon, our next child. I'm there when our son wakes up, I teach him, guide him, and raise him the way I choose to. His education and disciplining are not left to fall on anyone else's shoulders, not by anyone else's standards, and if something goes wrong, I'm right there to mend it.
What I'm getting at is this; in this economy, it's almost impossible to live by my standards. The good old USA is in a recession, forcing women out of the home and into the workforce. It's saddens me to think of who these kids will be, the ones who suffer without mommy (or even daddy) at home with them every day, of what they will become.
I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about working mothers in the current economy.
Sent From my Verizon Wireless Blackberry Curve

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