Friday, February 12, 2010

I'm "Anal"?

So, I got into a fight with someone today over who knows what (it was just THAT insignificant) and they called me "anal".

First of all, I'm pregnant, so I reserve the right to be 'anal". I also reserve the right to pee a hundred times a day, sleep if I get tired, and eat pretty much whatever I want.
Second, maybe I'm so "anal" right now because I'm constipated. Pregnancy does things to a womans body that most men would go their wholes lives without electing to know about.
It could be that I'm "anal" because I'm about to put on at least 30 pounds, if not more, and probably just in my butt alone. Add in another 20 for my boobs, and 15 for everywhere else, and the sum is that of an "anal" woman.
My "anal" behavior could also be attributed to the fact that I throw up at regular intervals throughout the day, and I just don't have the patience to "stomach" your moods.
Lastly, I might be "anal" because I'm INSANELY tired, and I just can't get comfortable enough to sleep.

So, okay, maybe I am "anal" today. And you know what? I'm okay with that.
Sent From my Verizon Wireless Blackberry Curve

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