Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oh, Bladder..

Why the sudden betrayal? You and I have known each other for so long, and you've only betrayed me once before. Remember when I had that last baby in my belly and you made me pee my pants when I was sick and coughing? I was willing to look past that after all we'd been through together. But today, you've gone and proven yourself unreliable one again. I thought we'd established a certain system and schedule, but apparently, I was wrong. You've let me down, bladder, and this time, you can't blame the baby in my belly, because it's just not big enough to cause you troubles just yet. This time, bladder, it's all YOUR fault for spilling over when I sneezed. The only one to blame for this is you!
Sent From my Verizon Wireless Blackberry Curve

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